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Distribution of sheep
Poverty in Afghanistan is widespread. A small herd of sheep can secure the survival of a family. The families can use the wool to make clothes and either use these themselves or sell them on the market. The same goes with the milk.
Following the self-help principle, each family receives four sheep and lambs. They are a special breed of sheep that is accustomed to the hard conditions in the mountain region and that can resist cold winters and hot summers. A veterinary surgeon instructs the families so that the sheep are cared for correctly and remain healthy. The animals are also regularly vaccinated and examined by the vet. To keep up a sustainable effect of such a sheep donation, the families are obliged to pass on one sheep and one lamb to another family three years after they received the donation themselves.
A herd of sheep with four animals costs USD 600.00 (USD 150 per animal).
Almost half of all the children in Afghanistan, about 3.7 million, do not go to school. 60% of these are girls. We stand up for them – with your help.

Orphanages in the Afghan mother tongue are called «Ashyana» which means «Bird’s nest».

Basic Health Centres und Health Sub Centres offer simple medical help in remote areas.